by Becky Johnson
April 30 2009
Santa Cruz, Ca. -- Having no health insurance myself focuses the mind quite sharply. I'm on my own and my life depends upon it! So with the massive fear (and a little fear-mongering) spreading, and the "just wash your hands" mantra feeling a little inadequate, I thought I would share my Swine Flu Preparedness Kit with anyone who, is a little freaked out, and wants to act proactively.
-- Ibuprofen, Tylenol, or aspirin for fever/aches/pain
-- Seven-up for nausea
-- golden seal -- a natural anti-biotic, gargle, and tea
-- ginger root for gargle and tea
-- eucalyptus cough drops (Halls)
-- Chicken soup (make a nourishing soup for yourself and freeze it now)
-- thermometer --if your fever goes to 104 or higher, you need to know that, and contact your health professional
-- fresh lemons (make hot lemonade with the juice of one lemon and boiling water in a cup)
-- guaifenesin syrup -- the main ingredient in cough syrup, helps to liquify secretions so you can cough up the mucus and phlegm. It is sold over the counter. Stock up!
-- plenty of tissue. Have patient throw used tissues in a paper bag which can be burned or thrown in the trash separately
-- Benydryl -- deaths from the 1918 pandemic were from an over-reaction of the victims' immune systems called a cytokine storm. Benydryl suppresses the histamine response of the immune system. Have the oral kind on hand. Can be given by injection in a hospital if necessary.
-- warm salt water can be snuffled up each nostril to help clear sinuses and throat
gargling with acidophilus helps restore beneficial bacteria and boosts the immune system--can be done before to help prevent infection
hot water bottle --- can be used to warm cold feet or hugged for comfort. Could be filled with ice water and used to cool a feverish patient
vaporizer --- can be turned on near patient to help loosen secretions
garlic --- cut a bulb of garlic in half and put both halves in a crockery bowl with 3 tablespoons of butter. Bake for 45 minutes at 200 degrees or until the garlic is soft. Garlic is a natural anti-biotic and gives the patient a lot of relief
In the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, which was another version of the H1N1 virus, the most sudden fatalities occurred due to a cytokine storm. Severe coughing caused hemorrhage and the body's allergic reaction filled the lungs with fluid or blood and victims died by drowning in their own fluids. In some cases, victims suffered loss of bowel control and bled to death when critical intestinal lining was lost.
Therefore, treat coughing with cough drops, guafinesin, hot lemon water, and by elevating the patient's head with pillows to facilitate drainage.
It's very important to stay on top of symptoms. At the first sign of a scratchy throat, the chills, or that rundown feeling, chop up a tablespoon of fresh ginger and simmer in a small pan for half an hour. Drink and gargle with the hot, spicy tea.
Also make a tea with the golden seal. A very small portion can be used (1/3 tsp. per cup of boiling water). Drink and gargle with this.
One of my favorite recipes are "Wellness Capsules" which mix up golden seal, myrrh, ginger, garlic, and onion powder in equal parts (except the golden seal which is 1/2 part) and putting in capsules. Take three "00" caps all at once, then Two in the morning and two at night until symptoms are relieved. Do not exceed 10 days.
Stay warm, but if feverish, do not allow the fever to go over 103 degrees. Drink plenty of fluids. Get plenty of sleep. Use ibuprofen for pain and to regulate the temperature. If temperature goes over 103 degrees, call a doctor, and cool the patient down by sitting them in a bathtub in tepid water, bathing with cool washcloths, and/or giving ice. Monitor their temperature every 15 minutes.
Anti-biotic medicines only work on bacterial infections. If your physician prescribes an anti-biotic, you must restock your alimentary canal with intestinal flora. The best way is with acidophillus or a good pro-biotic. Buttermilk and yogurt both contain healthy bacteria. I personally take a small amount of acidophillus 4 hours after I take an antibiotic and then take larger amounts after the course of anti-biotics is completed.
I am not a doctor or a licensed health professional. My postings here should not be considered an alternative to regular consultations with a physician. My suggestions here are to help people cope with a flu in progress, to make the patient more comfortable, and to prevent severe complications if possible. Only doctors can diagnose a disease.
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